Australian scientists from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) have developed a filtration technique using a graphene film with microscopic...
An extensive global view of the commercial fishing industry shows that fishing occurs in 55% of the world's oceans and seas. In...
A study for the first time reveals a relationship between air pollution exposure during pregnancy to brain abnormalities, and also to difficulties...
Haste seems to be a key reason for the sudden and completely unexpected collapse of a modern pedestrian bridge spanning a highway...
Devices that extract water from air have been around for decades, but these devices only work in regions with high humidity. Extracting...
It was a heroic but misguided gesture. David Buckel, the activist lawyer renowned for his successful defense of gay and transgender rights...
The world's first-ever -- and the largest -- system built to remove masses of floating plastic trash from the world's oceans will...
The United Kingdom will likely ban the sale and use of plastic straws and plastic-stemmed cotton buds as part of the government's...
Scientists in both China and the West affirm that North Korea's nuclear test site beneath a mountain near the border with China...
An algorithm developed by faculty at the Purdue Polytechnic Institute in Indiana will help law enforcement agencies filter out and focus on...