The U.S. Air Force two years ago began secretly developing the Long-Range Engagement Weapon (LREW), its first new long-range air-to-air missile since...
Separate polls released Monday by CNN and The Washington Post-ABC show president Donald Trump's approval rating as being the worst among all...
The U.S. Navy has awarded Lockheed Martin a $43.2 million design phase contract for the development of "Orca," an Extra Large Unmanned...
The reasons why more expensive wines or chocolates taste much better than cheaper versions aren't merely the end result of better production...
We know coffee can improve your health, but new research also shows cups of Java can help you live longer.
A group of researchers in Zurich, Switzerland has developed a nanochip that would measure the level of lipid metabolites, the most volatile...
Steve Wozniak, the genius co-founder of Apple, Inc. who developed and assembled the first Apple computers that Steve jobs just sold, announced...
The Breakthrough Prize has announced the top 29 student semifinalists in the third annual Breakthrough Junior Challenge, a science competition for teenagers...
Waymo's self-driving cars have no one on the wheels except Waymo. The full autonomous vehicles could pave the way for its utilization...
The first fully autonomous shuttle operating on public streets in the United States but developed in France began operating in Las Vegas...