Arthur J. Villasanta – Fourth Estate Contributor
Las Vegas, NV, United States (4E) – After chasing down well over 1,000 leads as to why Stephen Paddock shot dead 58 people and injured over 500 others, police investigators now believe the 64 year-old retiree might have had a severe mental illness that led to his committing the worst mass murder in U.S. history.
Law enforcement authorities, however, admit they’ve failed to find a concrete reason for the murderous rampage on the evening of Oct. 1 that saw Paddock fire hundreds of rounds at innocent people attending an open air country music concert across the street from the Mandalay Bay Casino and Hotel in Las Vegas.
They believe Paddock ‘s severe mental illness was probably undiagnosed. FBI profilers that interviewed hundreds of people also believe Paddock found it hard to establish and maintain meaningful relationships and had problems connecting with people.
A search of Paddock’s room on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel led to the discovery of Valium tablets, which Paddock’s doctor said he prescribed to curb Paddock’s “anxiousness.”
Despite these positive outcomes, police are struggling to find a firm motive for the attack.
They’re now looking into links, if any, Paddock might have had with extreme right-wing groups, or if Paddock had bought into extremist ideologies espousing murder and mayhem.
“We thought we might find some ideology, some economic or political or social reason,” said Kevin McMahill of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD).
“Some medical reason. But we haven’t found it yet.”
More troubling are growing indications Paddock committed the deadliest mass shooting in United States history simply because he wanted to murder people en masse.
“That’s certainly a possibility but it’s one of those possibilities you really can’t wrap your mind around. I don’t know if I can accept that,” said McMahill.
LVMPD has again appealed for witnesses to help their investigation.
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